Prison Pit

Nurse Janice "Biggs" Briggs

Universally referred to as "Biggs" in homage to her most significant assets, Janice Briggs is the closest thing the convicts of Odegra have to proper medical care. Though not a very well-trained medic, she is well-grounded on the sorts of injuries and illnesses suffered by the prisoners and wardens and keeps themembers of both groups up and running with great ease.

Her appearance and dress style have led dozens of convicts and the odd warden to make suggestions of one sort or another to her, but she's not available, and those attempting to press the point have discovered that she knows as much about inflicting damage to human males as she does about repairing it!

Nurse Biggs died in flagrante with Governor Pinkus when the shuttle Moe crashed into the prison.